Tag Archives: card game

Feature: Creating order from chaos with the new Netrunner big box (Part Two)

Order and ChaosPart Two of a feature looking at some of the ace new Netrunner cards just released in the Order and Chaos big box. Find out which of the new Weyland cards caught my eye and witness the creation of what could eventually become a below-average deck with a bit of work.

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Feature: Creating order from chaos with the latest Netrunner big box (Part One)

Order and ChaosThe latest Netrunner big box expansion has finally arrived, and I’m signed up to a tournament in less then two weeks. Which means I need need new decks! In this very short series of features I’ll reveal which exciting new IDs I’ve plumped for, what sexy new cards I’ll be running, and how wrong it invariably goes after playtesting against other human beings.

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Kickstarter: The Resistance – Hostile Intent & Hidden Agenda

Hostile Intent Hidden AgendaSummer is the WORST weather for spies thanks to all that dark-coloured clothing, although they do get to skulk in cooling shadows and hang out on one-man submersibles I guess so perhaps I’ve overstated the issue. Future spies definitely have a bad time of it though, with global warming having gone crackers and the authoritarian world government inevitably pushing their hours up at the same time as cutting holidays and taking away the free teabags.

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Review: Love Letter

Love LetterThe notion that the hot, sultry summer months are a natural aphrodisiac can be traced all the way back to the year 1991, when little-known hip hop duo Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince received a Grammy for their dedicated research into the matter. More than two decades later and their seminal work has yet to be disproved by the wider rap community, leading to the inevitable question – what game should you get your clammy hands on for the dog days, which satisfies the need to bake your body outside while carrying with it the inestimable promise of a febrile carnal encounter? Bestill your beating heart, dear reader, for the answer to your urges lies in the velvety pouch of Love Letter.

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