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We’ve hauled ass away from this cumbersome wordpress url and headed to the lush, sweet pastures of Professional!


Game news: Thunderbirds Kickstarter passes £20k funding target in just an hour

TBcoverThunderbirds are literally GO, as the new co-op board game from Pandemic creator Matt Leacock has soared past its £20,000 target just an hour after hitting Kickstarter.

Unsurprisingly the game has more than a touch of the Pandemics about it, with players each controlling one of the Tracy brothers and flying across the globe – and into space – in the various vehicles to avert disasters and defeat the mysterious Hood.

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Friday Tea Break: Games Workshop history time, big screen Settlers and a Heroclix primer

HobnobsHappy Friday everyone! What a mix of treats for you this afternoon as you sup your cuppa and munch on a Hobnob biscuit. While you’re there, I’d just like to say thank you so much for visiting – The Boarding Kennel got its most visitors ever this week, and every day saw more users than the last. Which is a lovely thing. I’ve got loads of things planned for the site, including some most likely hideously amateurish video of me and my friends playing some of our favourite games. Continue reading

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Game News: Tesla vs. Edison: War of Currents

Tesla vs. Edison boxToo many colons in that headline, you’re right, but it’s probably fitting given that Thomas Edison was completely full of shit. After hiring Tesla to fix efficiency problems with his direct current electricity generators in the late 1880s – and offering him $50,000 to boot – Edison famously ducked out of the deal when Tesla cracked it several months later, telling him he obviously didn’t understand American humour.

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Feature: Creating order from chaos with the new Netrunner big box (Part Two)

Order and ChaosPart Two of a feature looking at some of the ace new Netrunner cards just released in the Order and Chaos big box. Find out which of the new Weyland cards caught my eye and witness the creation of what could eventually become a below-average deck with a bit of work.

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Kickstarter: Fujian Trader

Selden MapWe’ve all been there. One minute you’re idly glancing over a 17th Century map of East Asia in Oxford University’s Bodleian Library, the next you’ve spotted some faint lines which mark it out as the oldest Chinese maritime merchant map still in existence. Hurrah! But what to do with such a find to capture the attention of people around the world? Step forward discoverer Robert Bachelor, a British History professor, who knew exactly what – he’s only turned it into an effing board game.

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Friday Tea Break: XCOM The Board Game, Victorian Netrunner and Ghostbusters

GhostbustersYou’ve made it to Friday afternoon, congrats! A time to doss around and count down the hours until you can clock off and hit the pub. What better way to wind the clock along than tucking in to The Boarding Kennel’s pick of the week’s most interesting board gaming bits from around the web?

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Feature: Creating order from chaos with the latest Netrunner big box (Part One)

Order and ChaosThe latest Netrunner big box expansion has finally arrived, and I’m signed up to a tournament in less then two weeks. Which means I need need new decks! In this very short series of features I’ll reveal which exciting new IDs I’ve plumped for, what sexy new cards I’ll be running, and how wrong it invariably goes after playtesting against other human beings.

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Kickstarter: Hitman Holiday

Hitman holiday smlHello! And welcome to the new dawn of The Boarding Kennel, which after several months of hibernation has uncurled its hairy little body, wiped the sleepy-dust from its eyes and begun taking some tentative steps out of the burrow in the hunt for sustenance. Board games! It eats board games. It’s an expensive and complicated diet, but not nearly as complicated as this analogy is becoming.

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Kickstarter: The Resistance – Hostile Intent & Hidden Agenda

Hostile Intent Hidden AgendaSummer is the WORST weather for spies thanks to all that dark-coloured clothing, although they do get to skulk in cooling shadows and hang out on one-man submersibles I guess so perhaps I’ve overstated the issue. Future spies definitely have a bad time of it though, with global warming having gone crackers and the authoritarian world government inevitably pushing their hours up at the same time as cutting holidays and taking away the free teabags.

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