Review: Luchador!

Luchador!Luchador! The exclamation mark is not optional. Mexican wrestling! Rolling dice! Drop kicking your friends (figuratively) in the face. What’s not to like?

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Review: Pandemic

PandemicCover“CAN YOU SAVE HUMANITY?” demands the front cover of Zman Games’ hugely popular Pandemic, which casts you and your friends as scientists, disease experts and various other clever bods teaming up to stop a string of deadly viruses melting the world’s population into grisly pools of gloop. The gentle way the eerie, translucent disease cubes start to spread across the board might initially lead you to think you’ll nail this medical emergency lark at the first attempt. You would be wrong.

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Review: Love Letter

Love LetterThe notion that the hot, sultry summer months are a natural aphrodisiac can be traced all the way back to the year 1991, when little-known hip hop duo Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince received a Grammy for their dedicated research into the matter. More than two decades later and their seminal work has yet to be disproved by the wider rap community, leading to the inevitable question – what game should you get your clammy hands on for the dog days, which satisfies the need to bake your body outside while carrying with it the inestimable promise of a febrile carnal encounter? Bestill your beating heart, dear reader, for the answer to your urges lies in the velvety pouch of Love Letter.

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Gaming update: Transamerica, Citadels, Discworld: Ankh Morpork and more

TransamericaTime flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana as they say, and just like that it’s been four weeks since my last full review. Have I been neglecting games, I hear you cry? Not a bit of it my friends, for my recent gaming has been a rich and filling platter, a veritable Smorgasbord of things lapped up and tasted, rolled around the mouth and washed down with fine wines (cheap beers). Continue reading

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Review: The Resistance

The ResistanceFive people eye each other suspiciously around a table. Three are underground resistance fighters plotting to bring down a corrupt government. Two are spies, known to each other through a secret code passed between them at the start of the meeting. The regime must be brought to its knees, but how can the freedom fighters prevent a spy sabotaging their missions? This is the mind-melting crux of The Resistance, and it has taught my group of friends one valuable truth – I am comfortably the worst spy in the entire world.

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Review: A Game of Thrones – The Board Game

Game of ThronesNight night my little princeling, don’t let the snarks and grumpkins bite. What? Well it’s a little late for a story lad, but if it’ll help you settle I suppose a few minutes can’t hurt. Pull your covers tight and let me tell you a tale of treachery and deceit, of friendships crushed and a rulebook so long and complicated it rivals the histories of the great houses themselves… 

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Review: Scotland Yard

Scotland YardThink of something really satisfying. Go on. No not that you mucky pup. Good, well done. Now ask yourself, how does it compare to leaping out of a taxi to rugby tackle a heartless villain who’s been leading the law a merry dance through London’s streets? Yeah, I thought as much, your mind has been BLOWN by the possibility. No, stop sobbing, it’s OK, the answer is at hand. Here, take a tissue and listen.

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